Zenecrosis: The Downside of Reading Theory & Consuming Drugs
♾ “I am currently reading a string of English words.” And you’re, I promise. As you, not ‘one’ but u, read these anglish words, try also to simultaneously predict ur next thought, the next werds/images/energy to appear in ur minds eye. To what degree of freedom can yoo shape the next thought, to what degree can this be done independent of the sentence you just read. How much did that spelling of ‘you’ as ‘yoo’ change yoo? Or all of the misspellings before this? To what degree can you even quantify how well you’re actually shaping or controlling your thoughts? So, wut’re you thinking about now? Dog Butler. And what r u thinking about now…? Now, is this mad gay and lamely esoteric? Fur sure. Yumour me:
“Do not imagine a gold-plated bed pan. Do not imagine its convex folds of entry. Do not imagine the medical insignias in the basin. Do not Imagine Fredrick Bassett.”
Guessing you’re probably not not imagining the above. With exception to Freddy. Unless you know or have any conception of what Freddy Bassett did, you actually may not be able to picture him. And that’s the point, I think. Fk. Either way, wise people can imagine u embrace this…gd, nvm, gg, never had a chance…this is fked. I’m pretty sure this is jus some worse version of a Dan Dennet take, which is just a worse version of someone else’s take whom omitted someone else’s even better take. How bad does this actually make this take? Woof…and now I can’t stop thinking about what Jerry Sandusky is doing at this moment.